Lease Revenue Bonds
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Proposition 1B
Bond Accountability
Proposition 1B - Local Streets and Roads
Intent or Criteria: Funds shall be used for improvements to transportation facilities that will assist in reducing local traffic congestion and further deterioration, improving traffic flows, or increasing traffic safety that may include, but not be limited to, street and highway pavement maintenance, rehabilitation, installation, construction and reconstruction of necessary associated facilities such as drainage and traffic control devices, or the maintenance, rehabilitation, installation, construction and reconstruction of facilities that expand rider ship on transit systems, safety projects to reduce fatalities, or as a local match to obtain state or federal transportation funds for similar purposes. Funds will be allocated, upon appropriation by the Legislature, by formula as specified in Proposition 1B (50% to counties and 50% to cities): 75% of funds apportioned to counties are based on the number of vehicles registered in the county relative to all counties in the State, and 25% are based on number of county maintained road miles relative to all county maintained road miles in the State; Funds apportioned to cities are based on total population of the city in relation to all cities in the State (minimum $400,000 to each city).
Guidelines: As reported by cities and counties. Click on Department of Finance for more information.
Project List: As reported by cities and counties
Administrative Agency: Department of Finance
Recipient Agency: Individual cities and counties
Accountability Plan: As required by Executive Order S-02-07, the following is the three-part accountability structure for this program:
1. Front-End Accountability:
To ensure Front-End Accountability, the Department of Finance conforms to the criteria set forth in Government Code Sections 8879.50 and 8879.65. Front-End Accountability begins with a city council or county board of supervisors approving a plan of projects intended to be completed using Local Streets and Roads Program bond proceeds. The plan is submitted to Finance, reviewed for completeness, and a list of completed plans is then submitted to the State Controller’s Office for allocation. Each plan includes the type of project, the amount of funds expended, a completion date, and the project’s estimated useful life. Once a plan is approved, it is posted on the Governor’s Bond Accountability website, which serves as a baseline against which future performance is measured.
2. In-Progress Accountability:
In-Progress Accountability involves reporting project progress against established baselines. Cities and counties are required to submit an annual report on the progress of projects, including any changes in schedule, scope, or budget. Project or budget changes must be documented and approved by the applicable city council or county board of supervisors. The bond accountability website includes each city or county’s original plan of projects as a baseline, and each annual report documenting the status of those projects and any changes that may have occurred.
3. Follow-Up Accountability:
Follow-Up Accountability starts with the completion of the project. The State Controller’s Office will be performing audits to ensure that city and county projects using the bond proceeds adhered to the guidelines set forth for the Local Streets and Roads program and that expenditures met all the requirements of applicable bond law. The audit will include the review of all project expenditures, the project timeline and scope, verification that the use of bond proceeds was approved by the city council or county board of supervisors, and that no expenditures were made prior to the certification by the Department of Finance of the plan’s completeness.
Select a city or county to see local street, road, congestion relief and traffic safety projects managed by that city/county.
Click on a dropdown box to select then type one letter to move focus to the city or county of interest.