Lease Revenue Bonds
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Proposition 1B
Bond Accountability
In-Progress Accountability
Proposition 1B includes 16 distinct programs or accounts, each having a unique intent and involves a specified set of expectations or desired outcomes. Some are new programs, but many provide additional funding to augment or supplement existing programs with already established guidelines and criteria. Some programs involve a project selection and approval process, while others refer to apportionments as grants or disbursements. Responsibilities for program implementation and delivery also vary with each program. The California Transportation Commission (CTC) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) are identified as the administrative agencies for most of the programs, while the remaining programs fall under the responsibility of the California Air Resources Board (ARB), the California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA), or the Department of Finance (DOF). Recipient agencies vary greatly from one program to another, and include State agencies, regional transportation planning agencies, local entities such as counties and cities, transit districts, rail operators, ports, school districts, or others. An accountability plan specific to each of the programs, conforming to the three part accountability structure identified in Executive Order S-02-07, is developed by the administrative agency responsible for the program’s implementation or delivery.
To view program specific In-Progress Accountability Plans, select one of the links below or return to the Proposition 1B overview page.