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State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Augmentation

Intent or Criteria :   Funds shall be available for projects in the State Transportation Improvement Program to augment funds otherwise available for this purpose from other sources.  Funds will be allocated by the California Transportation Commission (CTC), upon appropriation by the Legislature, in the same manner as funds allocated for these projects under existing law.

List of Approved Projects

Closeout Reports

Guidelines : 2006 STIP Augmentation Guidelines. (Adopted 12/13/06) (pdf)

Administrative Agency :  California Transportation Commission (CTC)

Recipient Agency :  Caltrans, regional transportation planning agencies, local agencies and transit operators

Accountability Plan :  As required by Executive Order S-02-07, the following is the three-part accountability structure for this program:

  • Projects are tracked as part of the normal STIP process.

Accountability Plan: State Transportation Improvement Program - Accountability Implementation Plan (pdf).