Lease Revenue Bonds
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Proposition 1B
Bond Accountability
Highway-Railroad Crossing Safety Account
Intent or Criteria: Funds shall be available to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the completion of high-priority grade separation and railroad crossing safety improvements. Funds will be allocated by the California Transportation Commission (CTC), upon appropriation by the Legislature, pursuant to the process established in Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 2450) of Division 3 of the Streets and Highways Code, except that a dollar for dollar match of non-State funds shall be provided for each project, and the limitation on maximum project cost in subdivision (g) of Section 2454 of the Streets and Highways Code shall not be applicable to projects funded with these funds. Notwithstanding the funding allocations described herewith, in consultation with Caltrans and the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), the CTC shall allocate $100 million of the funds in this account to high priority railroad crossing improvements, including grade separation projects, that are not part of the process established in Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 2450) of Division 3 of the Streets and Highways Code. This allocation of funds shall be made in consultation with the High-Speed Rail Authority.
Guidelines:- Highway Railroad Safety Account Guidelines for 2012 Program (pdf)
- Updated Highway Railroad Safety Account Guidelines 2010 (pdf)
- Highway Railroad Crossing Safety Account Guidelines 2008 (pdf)
Administrative Agency: California Transportation Commission (CTC).
Recipient Agency: California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and local agencies.
Accountability Plan: The three-part accountability structure for this program, required by Executive Order S-02-07, will be identified in conjunction with program development activities.
1. Front-End Accountability:
Front-End Accountability began with the development of program guidelines. The HRCSA guidelines include
conditions and criteria that identify project eligibility. The guidelines were adopted on April 9, 2008 at the
California Transportation Commission (CTC) Meeting. Additional steps in front-end accountability will include;
project nomination and selection processes, and the approval of an initial program of projects to be funded from b
ond proceeds. An evaluation committee will review and evaluate project nominations, and recommend a program of projects
to the CTC.
Once a program of projects is adopted by the CTC, a project specific delivery agreement will be negotiated with the
applicant. This agreement will document cost and schedule baselines against which future performance is measured.
2. In-Progress Accountability:
In-Progress Accountability involves managing project progress against established baselines. Progress will be monitored throughout the project. Schedule and budget elements of each project will be reported on a regular basis. Changes will be documented and approvals will be obtained to continue with the development and execution of the work. The bond accountability website will include a list of projects adopted into the program, the cost and schedule baseline information for each project, and a status report that is updated quarterly.
3. Follow-up Accountability:
Follow-Up Accountability (Audit) starts with the completion of the project. The project is not complete until the final construction contract payment is made and contractors' claims are resolved. A close-out report is produced to document the financial, scope, and the performance of the completed project, as well as document lessons learned and best practices for use in the development of future projects. This process is referred to as the close-out process.